Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Value in The Classroom

 Value in the Classroom

     The students were doing a production for Romeo and Juliet and their  having a good time doing it. They did a lot for this production there were costume designers, a cameraman,  actors directors, writers etc. Now there was a parent that heard about The Epic Romeo and Juliet Project and had concerns about it. They’re concerns was that they didn’t think  that we were getting a full lesson about Romeo and Juliet. Instead, they feel that the students  need to sit down and read about it take notes, quizzes, or tests based on the book. But, the Epic Romeo and Juliet have a better Value in the Classroom.
   The students all had responsibilities and jobs that needed to be taken care of. They're were directors, actors, a cameraman, costume designers, print advertising, and script writers in this project. This was really a hard working project that we had to do. Actors had to memorize there lines and know there position in the production. Directors had to give us orders in what we needed to do they were in charge of this whole production. The cameraman had to film the scene of the actors performing. Print advertising had to print flyers and pictures containing to the production. All jobs needed to be completed. But the parent doesn’t understand that they're 14 and 15 year old teenage freshman’s in high school trying to make a movie. Its not a easy assignment to accomplish its worth more then 3 test grades. Its better then sitting in the classroom bored testing all day about Romeo and Juliet.
  If they had just sat in the classroom just testing all day we would have been bored out of our mind. There nothing wrong with taking a test but it gets boring after a while so we tried something new. Mr. Provenzano  and Van Meter high school came up with making a production about Romeo and Juliet. It was a brilliant idea that they came up with. This whole project needed teamwork. They always say “Teamwork make Dreams work.” This project made a lot of friends because they had to communicate to each other and help each other out in where we needed to be in the production. Without this project most people would still be in the back of the class quiet not talking to anybody.
 There were technology tools that were  use to help them in the project such as Skype, Kid Blog, twitter, Tumbr, Wiki, and Flicker. One of the most technology that was use the most was Skype because they  had to see where Van Meter were at in the production  so they was all on track. Another was the Wiki because it had set up the dates about what time the students needed to be to a certain place to film. They had a discussion question that  needed to complete to let Mr. Provenzano to know where they were at about Romeo and Juliet. This had built  responsibility skills for the project and life.
  Everyone was involved in this project. Every 9th grade class had to participate somehow in this production. Most people in the production had clubs, sports and other activities that they were in when we were doing this project. But they had to take one for the team. Meaning that they needed to skip a few practices and games to do they’re scene in the play. They’re grade is more important then the practices and games without grades really you wont make it anywhere in life unless your famous. Anyways this whole project was much better then sitting in a classroom reading and taking testes.

 Leadership is the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a task. That was the #1 thing that they needed in the project. If there was not a  leader this whole project would be a mess. Most of the students never was a leader but when we did this production they became a leader. This project also gave  friendships and memories. This is going to be a memory for the students because it brung them  all together into one in trying to make a movie. But to the parent that was concern about this project. Sitting in a classroom all day reading testing with no fun is depressing. There should have fun in what people do in their everyday life and this was one of them. School is more than testing.

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