Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Animal In Sports

  Animals are creatures that bring beauty, comfort, and love into people lives. If animals get involved in any sports or entertainment that can cause deaths to them animals. Humans were once animals now there evolved. Animals should get the same respect as humans because we all were once animals before. Many different sports and other kinds of activities uses animals in a negatively way that can cause mistreatment or death. Animals have been in sports and entertainment, from Roman chariot racing up to present day hunting, racing, and circuses. If animals keep getting harm or killed in sports or entertainment that would really injure our ecosystem.

 People need to set up a balance human pleasure and animal’s welfare because human pleasure is getting out of hand about killing animals for the fun of it or of boredom. “Killing animals for sports, for pleasure, for adventure, and for hides and fur is a phenomenon which is at once disgusting and depressing. There is no justification in indulging is such acts of brutality” (Lama). Animals should get the same treatment as humans, we both are living objects, we both have life, and God didn’t bring pets on Earth just to kill them. He had brought them on Earth for comfort and enjoy. They can too feel the pain when being abandoned, and abused by being involved in sports and entertainment.

 Every kid loves to go to a circus to see tricks, magic, and animals to perform. Circuses are where children really start to love animals.  But, do they know what animals have to go through when they are entered into a circus.  Animals are getting trained to do dangerous stunts and tricks using whips, electronic goads, and sticks. They even make lions jump though a rose through fire. They could have had a lot of lions trying to do that stunt and get burnt or burn into ashes. Even the transportation for the animals to go to shows around the world is outrageous. They all get cramped up in one spot in transportation in a physically position. They are so crumbled up that most of the animals would lose oxygen and just die. That can cause diseases towards the other animals surrounded by the dead ones and that can kill the rest.  Most of the animals starve to death and try to eat any seen object or animals in sight. “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawaken” (France). Animals should not be involved in a circus show because it lowers the population of elephants, lions, monkeys etc.

 In many people eyes animals are just a used of property all they do is get step over by the ones that don’t care. Views on animals are examples from different cultures around the world. Many Spanish people are easy to accept bull fighting where there from. They gamble on bulls to see them fight.  British people feel more enthusiasm about fox hunting and it becomes there national culture. “Many people feel drawn to advocate for animals because even though they can feel pain and suffer just as we do, they don’t have a way to advocate for their own welfare. In fact animals were viewed by many as nothing more than property to be treated however the owner wishes” (Alan). That view has created an animal situation for many of animals that share our world.

 Animals are getting capture almost every day and getting force to do tricks and other type of dangerous activities. Animals should be enjoyed and cherished and not as objects and entertainment. People should believe in treating animals with respect they should be free from the disrespect from others. Veterinarians may be tired seeing animals getting sent to them trying to get in good condition for entertainment, sickness, and others. “I hope to make people realize how totally helpless animals are, how dependent on us, trusting as a child must that we will be kind and take care of their needs. They are an obligation put on us, a responsibility we have no right to neglect, nor to violate by cruelty” (Herriot). Dog fighting is the most cruelty sport that dogs die being involved in. Dogs are being locked up in cages with no food or water only a low amount of space being stuck in. Dogs become more aggressive just by being stuck into small places. This can cause a lot of deaths towards dogs.

 To sum it up animals are the physical nature of humans. They should not be involved into any type of sport or entertainment. The entire violent and illegal events that animals are into can raise the death rates of animals. If people keep killing animals were would barely have any food to eat because all of them are dead. Animals should just enjoy life like humans do they should get the same treatment as humans and stop getting harm. Training animals for dangerous stunts involves threats of pains towards the animals. Animals have a heart and a mind like humans so they should be treated the same and it should be illegal for animals to be used in sports and entertainment.